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About Us

Pyrex Scholar is a unisex streetwear brand based in New Jersey that offers a range of stylish and trendy clothing options for both men and women. Our designs are influenced by street culture, urban fashion, and the desire to provide a unique and edgy style that stands out from the crowd. From graphic tees to hoodies, outerwear and accessories, Pyrex scholar aims to provide fashion-forward individuals with unique and edgy pieces that reflect their personal style and showcase their individuality. The name itself is relatable to all walks of life. Over here at “Pyrex Scholar” we believe that everyone is a scholar in their own way. We also believe whatever it is you do in life , you have to take the ingredients add it to a pot and let it simmer until it’s done. For example if you want to be a lawyer or doctor, the ingredients may be years of college and sleepless nights of studying. If you want to be a rapper or an artist, the ingredients may be countless hours of practicing and honing your craft. The point we’re trying to make is that success in any field is a step towards becoming a “Pyrex Scholar”.

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